Sleep Tips for Moms: How Essential Oils Can Help You Rest

Sleep Tips for Moms: How Essential Oils Can Help You Rest
Sleep can feel like a distant memory once you become a mom, right? Between night feedings, bedtime routines, and the mental load of juggling everything, getting a good night’s sleep is easier said than done. It’s like you’re always “on,” even when the rest of the house is quiet. The challenge is real!

But here’s the thing—sleep is everything when it comes to surviving and thriving through motherhood. It’s key to your patience, your energy, and your overall well-being. Without it, the days can feel longer, the tantrums harder, and the mental load heavier. I totally get it.

Using essential oils has been a gentle, natural way to bring more calm and relaxation into my life, especially when sleep feels out of reach. Here are a few of my go-to oils that have helped me (and countless other moms) unwind and get a better night's rest:

🌸 Lavender

It’s the classic, go-to oil for sleep and relaxation and for good reason! The scent of lavender can help soothe your mind and body after a hectic day of mom life. You can diffuse it, add a few drops to your bath, or even mix it with water to create a calming pillow spray. Lavender is all about creating a peaceful vibe that helps you drift off.

🌱 Frankincense

Frankincense might sound fancy, but it’s a real powerhouse when it comes to grounding your mind and body. This oil has calming properties that are perfect for winding down at the end of the day. I love mixing it with a carrier oil (like coconut or jojoba) and applying it to my wrists or temples before bed. It feels like a little moment of self-care that helps me release the tension from the day.

⭐️ Believe Oil

Believe oil is one of my personal favorites, especially when it comes to mental health. Motherhood can be so rewarding, but let’s be real; it’s also tough. There’s a lot more open conversation around postpartum mental health now than there used to be, which is amazing. I apply Believe oil when I need a boost, and it always brings me a sense of joy and calm, like I’m tapping into the best version of myself.

If you’re looking for the ultimate sleep blend, try combining lavender and frankincense in your diffuser before bed. The two scents together create the perfect balance of relaxation and grounding energy.

Motherhood is busy, and sleep can feel elusive, but prioritizing rest is so important. You deserve it, and trust me, getting good sleep will make all the difference in how you show up for yourself and your family.

Why Meal Planning Matters: Because Wingin' It Won't Cut It

Why Meal Planning Matters: Because Wingin' It Won't Cut It
How many times have you stood in front of the fridge, waiting for dinner inspiration to hit, only to give up and call for takeout? It’s one of those “quick fixes” that feels like it’s solving the problem in the moment but usually just adds to the chaos. Enter meal planning—your not-so-secret weapon to cutting down on stress and keeping your family on track, especially with protein-packed meals.

We've all been there: that dreaded “What’s for dinner?” moment. It's stressful and draining, especially after a long day. But with meal planning, you have a game plan in place. No more last-minute pizza orders or throwing together random snacks and calling it dinner. Instead, you're serving balanced, protein-packed meals that keep everyone full and ready to handle whatever life throws at them.

Here’s why protein is the real MVP in meal planning: It keeps you satisfied longer, helps stabilize blood sugar, and keeps those mid-afternoon energy crashes at bay. Plus, protein helps with muscle repair and even boosts your metabolism. So, while you’re tackling everything on your to-do list, your body is getting the fuel it needs to keep going strong.

The real magic of meal planning? It takes the guesswork out of your evenings. Studies show that consistent meal planning leads to healthier food choices and less stress. When you already know what’s for dinner, you free up your mental space for more important things—like actually enjoying time with your family instead of scrambling in the kitchen.

So, if you’re ready to say goodbye to the daily dinner drama and simplify your life, grab a copy of my Easy Protein Recipes for Busy Families cookbook here. It's packed with easy, delicious meals that will keep your family happy and your stress levels low. Let meal planning be the solution that saves your sanity.
[^1]: Leidy, H. J., et al. (2015). *The role of protein in weight loss and maintenance*. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 101(6), 1320S–1329S.
[^2]: Paddon-Jones, D., et al. (2008). *Role of dietary protein in the sarcopenia of aging*. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 87(5), 1562S–1566S.
[^3]: Fulkerson, J. A., et al. (2017). *Family meals: Perceptions, values, and behaviors among parents of 8- to 10-year-old children*. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49(1), 7-14.e1.

Postpartum Healing: Why It’s Okay to Take Your Time

Postpartum Healing: Why It’s Okay to Take Your Time
As much as we wish we could snap back to feeling 100% overnight, the truth is, your body just went through a lot and recovery takes time. From hormones balancing out to your body adjusting physically, postpartum healing is a journey. It’s not something we can (or should!) rush through.

I get it.... you’re probably feeling the pressure to “bounce back” and get back to your pre-baby self. Whether it’s your energy, your body, or even your mindset, there’s this invisible (and sometimes very visible) expectation to hurry up and recover. 

But let’s stop and think about what your body has just accomplished. You’ve just grown and brought life into the world. That’s no small feat, and it’s going to take some time for your body to adjust to this new chapter.

The Hormonal Rollercoaster

If you’re feeling all over the place emotionally, you’re not alone. After giving birth, your hormones are trying to recalibrate. This hormonal shift can bring on a whirlwind of emotions—from happy to tears to overwhelm—all within the span of an hour. Be kind to yourself through this transition. It’s totally normal to feel this way, and the last thing you need is to feel guilty about it.

Physical Recovery

Beyond the emotional rollercoaster, your body is healing physically. Whether you had a vaginal delivery or a c-section, your body is working hard to repair itself. From healing tissues to regaining strength, this doesn’t happen overnight. Give yourself permission to rest, listen to your body, and not feel like you need to be doing all the things just yet.

Give Yourself Grace

The most important thing you can do during this time is to give yourself grace. Healing is not linear, and it looks different for everyone. Some days you might feel like you’re on top of the world, and other days, even brushing your teeth feels like a win. And that’s okay. Take it one day at a time, and remind yourself that you’re doing amazing.

Your body is incredible for what it’s just done, and it deserves all the love and patience in the world. Recovery is not a race, and there’s no gold medal for who heals the fastest. What’s most important is taking care of yourself so you can be the best version of you—for both yourself and your new little one.

Take your time, mama. You’ve got this. 

Motherhood Changes Everything—But My Love for Food Remains

Motherhood Changes Everything—But My Love for Food Remains

I love being a mother. I truly do. But let’s be honest—it changes you in ways you never imagined. 

Once that sweet little baby enters your world, everything shifts. Your Friday nights that were once about Netflix or going out look a lot more like cuddles, diapers, and early bedtimes. The clothes you used to rock? They’ve likely been traded for something a bit more... mom-friendly (hello, leggings). 

But you know what hasn’t changed for me? My love for food. 🍲

I’ve always had this passion for nourishing my body and finding joy in the kitchen. And now, as a mom, that love has only deepened. I realize more than ever how important it is to fuel my body with nutritious, wholesome foods. After all, I need the energy to keep up with my little guy!

What’s even more special is that I get to share this love for food with him. Cooking together has become one of our favorite activities. Sure, it’s messy, and sometimes things don’t go as planned (I’ve learned that toddlers and flour don’t always mix well). But it’s fun, it’s bonding, and we both enjoy it.

We love trying new recipes, from simple breakfasts to creative snacks, and I can’t tell you how rewarding it is to watch him get excited about food. There’s something magical about teaching your child the importance of nourishing their body—watching them explore new flavors and textures while building memories together in the kitchen.

So, while motherhood has changed nearly everything about my life, my love for food has stayed constant. And now, I get to experience that joy in a new way—through the eyes of my little one. Whether we’re making a homemade smoothie or baking our favorite protein snacks, these moments are some of my favorites.

Motherhood changes you, but it also adds so many beautiful layers. And for me, one of those layers is sharing my love for good food with the little person I love most.

The Loneliness of Motherhood and the Power of Community

 The Loneliness of Motherhood and the Power of Community
Motherhood can be lonely.

There, I said it.

Even with people around who love you—your partner, family, friends—somehow, it can still feel isolating. It's not constant, but there are those moments, like in the middle of the night when you’re up for the fourth time, and you think to yourself, "How am I doing this again?"

Or maybe it’s when you finally carve out a second for yourself, but instead of soaking in that precious ‘me time,’ you’re tending to your little one’s needs. As much as we love our children, the relentless demands of motherhood can make us feel like we’re on an island, alone.

The truth is, women thrive in community. We need a support system—people who understand, who can lift us up when we're down, and who won’t judge us for feeling overwhelmed. And who better to understand the rollercoaster of motherhood than other moms? They get it because they’re living it too.

That’s why I’m so passionate about creating a space designed just for us—a community where we can connect, share, and support one another through this incredible, challenging, exhausting, and beautiful journey. Whether you’re navigating the early days of motherhood, juggling work and family, or trying to prioritize your own health amidst the chaos, this community is here for you.

In this space, there’s no judgment, no competition, just real women supporting each other. We’ll talk about everything from our health and wellness to the struggles and joys of being a mom. This is your place to be heard, to ask questions, to share advice, and to simply be yourself.

Because, as much as we love our little ones, we need to take care of ourselves too. We need to feel connected, supported, and understood. And most importantly, we need to remember that we’re not alone.

So, whether you’re a new mom, a seasoned pro, or somewhere in between, I invite you to join us. Let’s lift each other up, celebrate our wins, and be there for one another when things get tough. Because together, we can thrive in this journey called motherhood.

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