The Power of Minerals for Replenishing Your Body

The Power of Minerals for Replenishing Your Body
After giving birth, your body has been through an incredible journey. You’ve grown, nurtured, and delivered a beautiful new life—but now it’s time to take care of you. I knew this after the birth of my little guy, and I was determined to prioritize replenishing my body with what it needed to recover.
During pregnancy and labor, your body uses up a lot of its essential resources. From the physical toll of childbirth to the emotional and hormonal shifts that follow, there’s a lot happening under the surface. That’s why, before I delivered, I made a plan to support my recovery. And one of the key things I had on hand was Mineral Essence from Young Living.

Mineral Essence is an amazing supplement packed with essential minerals that your body craves, especially during postpartum recovery. Think of it like giving your body a much-needed recharge after all it’s been through! It’s full of key minerals like magnesium, iron, and calcium, which all play a huge role in helping you feel your best as you navigate those first few weeks of motherhood.

Why are minerals so important? Let’s break it down:

  • Magnesium: This is a postpartum must-have! Magnesium helps reduce fatigue, supports muscle relaxation (hello, tight shoulders from all that baby-holding), and even boosts your mood. It’s essential for energy production, which can be a game-changer when you’re running on little sleep.
  • Iron: After childbirth, your iron levels might be low, especially if you lost a lot of blood during delivery. Iron helps restore energy levels and combats that sluggish, exhausted feeling, so you can feel more like yourself again.
  • Calcium: Not only does calcium support strong bones, but it’s also vital for hormone balance. Postpartum, your hormones are all over the place, so getting enough calcium can help regulate them and support your emotional well-being.
These minerals are the unsung heroes of postpartum recovery. They aid in everything from balancing your hormones to replenishing depleted energy stores. I can’t stress enough how crucial it is to give your body the right nutrients after birth—because when you’re nourished, you’re better able to care for your little one.

So, whether you’re prepping for your baby’s arrival or already deep in the postpartum trenches, don’t underestimate the power of minerals! Your body deserves all the support it can get as you embrace the beautiful (and exhausting) journey of motherhood.

The Quest for Balanced Hormones

The Quest for Balanced Hormones
I talk a lot about hormones. Like a lot. They are the base of so much of what goes on in our bodies and many people don't entirely realize that. Before I got pregnant (think 2020, what a year that was), I knew I had to get a handle on my health. I was going from junk food vegan to incorporating specific foods with specific nutrients around specific points in my cycle. This was a huge change and one that I was excited to embark on! 

To be honest growing up we didn't get much information (or at least that I remember) on the different parts of our monthly cycle - it was basically our bleed and maybe a tidbit about ovulation. So when I started to dive in and learn about 'the other two' I was floored! I could talk for many hours around the different hormone supporting foods and how that impacts so many parts of your life as women but let's first chat about caffeine! When I was a youngin' working in a high stress office in NYC coffee was MY BEST FRIEND, but not such a nice friend overall lol. 

Caffeine has a powerful impact on hormones and stress, both positive and negative. On the upside, caffeine stimulates the release of adrenaline, giving you a quick energy boost and heightened alertness by activating your "fight or flight" response. However, this same adrenaline surge can elevate cortisol levels—the body’s primary stress hormone—which can lead to increased stress and anxiety when consumed in excess. Studies show that long-term high caffeine intake may disrupt the delicate balance of hormones like estrogen and cortisol, potentially exacerbating stress-related symptoms and even interfering with sleep. The key? Moderation. Enjoy caffeine’s energy-boosting benefits, but be mindful of how it might be amping up your stress behind the scenes!

So I've gone through different parts of my life where I had cut coffee out entirely (for years and year) and then other parts in my life where it was something I couldn't do without. When I started my hormone balancing journey I knew that I had to begin watching my caffeine again but wasn't quite ready to go full on no caffeine so I turned to Zyng!! Zyng is a refreshing, lightly carbonated drink that combines Ningxia wolfberry, pear and blackberry juices, and essential oils with naturally occurring caffeine (from white tea extract) for a natural boost of energy. This little can contains vitamins A, B3, B5, B6,and E as well as lime and black pepper essential oils (sounds odd but it's so good and I don't even like pepper very much!) 

As a mom, I currently reach for this drink when I'm dragging a bit in the afternoon because we didn't sleep so well or it's just been a meeting heavy day and I need that little pick me up!

Why Meal Planning Matters: Because Wingin' It Won't Cut It

Why Meal Planning Matters: Because Wingin' It Won't Cut It
How many times have you stood in front of the fridge, waiting for dinner inspiration to hit, only to give up and call for takeout? It’s one of those “quick fixes” that feels like it’s solving the problem in the moment but usually just adds to the chaos. Enter meal planning—your not-so-secret weapon to cutting down on stress and keeping your family on track, especially with protein-packed meals.

We've all been there: that dreaded “What’s for dinner?” moment. It's stressful and draining, especially after a long day. But with meal planning, you have a game plan in place. No more last-minute pizza orders or throwing together random snacks and calling it dinner. Instead, you're serving balanced, protein-packed meals that keep everyone full and ready to handle whatever life throws at them.

Here’s why protein is the real MVP in meal planning: It keeps you satisfied longer, helps stabilize blood sugar, and keeps those mid-afternoon energy crashes at bay. Plus, protein helps with muscle repair and even boosts your metabolism. So, while you’re tackling everything on your to-do list, your body is getting the fuel it needs to keep going strong.

The real magic of meal planning? It takes the guesswork out of your evenings. Studies show that consistent meal planning leads to healthier food choices and less stress. When you already know what’s for dinner, you free up your mental space for more important things—like actually enjoying time with your family instead of scrambling in the kitchen.

So, if you’re ready to say goodbye to the daily dinner drama and simplify your life, grab a copy of my Easy Protein Recipes for Busy Families cookbook here. It's packed with easy, delicious meals that will keep your family happy and your stress levels low. Let meal planning be the solution that saves your sanity.
[^1]: Leidy, H. J., et al. (2015). *The role of protein in weight loss and maintenance*. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 101(6), 1320S–1329S.
[^2]: Paddon-Jones, D., et al. (2008). *Role of dietary protein in the sarcopenia of aging*. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 87(5), 1562S–1566S.
[^3]: Fulkerson, J. A., et al. (2017). *Family meals: Perceptions, values, and behaviors among parents of 8- to 10-year-old children*. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49(1), 7-14.e1.

How I Support My Immune System Like a Warrior

How I Support My Immune System Like a Warrior
Whenever I think of this supplement I think of myself as a warrior going in and fighting those germs that have taken up residence in my body. 💪

This happens, we're human and around others that have germs in them too. 

There are so many different thoughts around germ theory and how that actually is for our body, but alas we're not going to go down that road. 

Germs, like bacteria and viruses, enter the body through the skin, mouth, or respiratory system, where they can multiply and cause infections. The immune system recognizes these harmful invaders and responds by producing white blood cells and antibodies to attack and destroy them. 

Through this defense mechanism, the immune system helps keep the body healthy by neutralizing the germs and preventing illness. In order to support my immune system I love to pop some Inner Defense and help those white blood cells and antibodies do their job 👏 as it strengthens the body’s natural defenses, supports healthy respiratory function, and provides immune support with the powerful combination of essential oils like Oregano, Thyme, and Thieves.

You can absolutely go looking for some more in-depth information around the oils that are present in the Thieves blend (in fact I encourage it as there are so many fun studies that discuss how each can help your body systems. You can do that by clicking here! 

Before learning about Inner Defense (or even other supplements that can help your immune system) I thought that Emergen-C thing was a good thing to take, to help my body fight off the germs. However, not the case! In fact, this little packet (that you can find at the gas station, which might be your first clue to quality) has things like Fructose, Maltodextrin, Citric Acid and Malic Acid! 

1. **Fructose**: Excessive consumption of fructose, especially from processed foods, can lead to insulin resistance and contribute to the development of fatty liver disease and metabolic disorders.

2. **Maltodextrin**: This highly processed carbohydrate has a high glycemic index, which can spike blood sugar levels and contribute to insulin resistance, increasing the risk of diabetes.

3. **Citric Acid**: While naturally occurring in fruits, synthetic citric acid used in processed foods can sometimes cause digestive discomfort or trigger inflammation in individuals sensitive to it.

4. **Malic Acid**: In large amounts, malic acid, often used as a flavor enhancer in processed foods, may cause digestive issues like stomach irritation or upset, especially for sensitive individuals.

Why Gut Health Matters (and How to Support It with Simple Food Choices)

Why Gut Health Matters (and How to Support It with Simple Food Choices)
Sometimes, I forget just how impactful gut health is. But it’s true—your gut is like the control center for your entire body. Digestion, mood, and even your immune system are influenced by the state of your gut. Crazy, right?

The bacteria living in your gut—both the good and the bad—are key players in how your body digests food, absorbs nutrients, and fights off illness. When those good bacteria are thriving, they help keep everything in balance. But when your gut health is off, it can throw everything out of whack. That means anything from bloating and digestive discomfort to fatigue or even getting sick more often.

The good news? Keeping your gut happy and healthy doesn’t require major lifestyle changes. It can be as simple as tweaking your food choices to feed and nourish that healthy bacteria.
Here are a few easy (and delicious) ways to support your gut health:

1. Load Up on Fermented Foods

Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt are packed with probiotics, which are the good bacteria that help keep your gut in balance. These foods help maintain a healthy environment in your digestive system, making it easier for your body to absorb nutrients and fight off harmful bacteria. Plus, they can help improve digestion and reduce bloating—win-win!

2. Add Fiber-Rich Foods to Your Diet

Foods like whole grains, fruits, and veggies are loaded with prebiotics, which are basically the food for those good bacteria in your gut. Fiber acts as fuel to help them thrive, promoting better digestion and overall gut health. Think of fiber-rich foods as the foundation of a happy gut.

3. Incorporate Healthy Fats

Healthy fats from sources like fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts are anti-inflammatory, meaning they can help reduce inflammation in your gut and keep things running smoothly. These fats not only support your gut health but also improve brain function, heart health, and overall mood. It’s truly all connected!
Taking care of your gut doesn’t have to be complicated, and it can make a huge difference in how you feel day-to-day. With a few small, mindful changes to your meals, you’ll be well on your way to supporting a healthier gut and a healthier you.
Here’s to feeling great from the inside out!
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