My mom said where there’s guilt you’ll find it when it comes to being in the depths of motherhood 🥺
I was asking her about the emotions that can come along when you're trying to get things done yet want to spend time with your little one. It’s hard to work (even on something you love), or go do alllll that self-care I share so much about.
Frankly, I just like to do most things with my munchkin, at least at the moment. He’s portable and we get to spend time together while I get that walk in or go to the ocean. Obviously not everything can be done with him in tow so if I’m out doing something that he can’t come along to, like a massage, acupuncture or my trips to the infrared, I focus on remembering how important it is to care for myself so I can care for him! 🫶
I remind myself too that it’s so important for my husband to have alone time with our son to be able to bond and connect with him. At the end of the day, it’s truly serving all of us. I get to fill my cup and they get quality time together. The same goes for family and friends! They love nothing more than to get to spend time with our little one!
I feel the struggle with work too; working from home and running my own business. When I’m able to get certain things done, they help me not only feel accomplished, but can earn money to help care for our little one. I also remind myself often that I’m giving him an example of what it’s like to work hard to serve others and make the world a better place
If you’re worried about being a good mom, remember you are a good mom! It’s normal to get caught in the mom guilt sometimes, just keep those reminders close to your heart when it happens to bring you back and remind you that you’re doing an amazing job.