I had heard of leaky gut, but didn’t really know what it meant in detail. The funny part about that, is I had heard about it while in school for nutrition and dietetics - now don’t get confused though, I didn’t hear about it from my program, but from outside sources.
So what is it, your gut leaks? Basically yes. (There are a million thoughts around this but one thing at a time) so when you are massively inflamed (think eating crappy, not sleeping enough, drinking, applying/living around a ton of toxins and living in a constant state of stress) what can sometimes happen is the lining of your gut can have large holes which allows partially digested food, toxins and more to release into your blood stream (very short version). This can trigger further inflammation and changes in the gut bacteria.
When you are massively inflamed (think eating crappy, not sleeping enough, drinking, applying/living around a ton of toxins and living in a constant state of stress) what can sometimes happen is the lining of your gut can have large holes which allows partially digested food, toxins and more to release into your blood stream (very short version).
This can trigger further inflammation and changes in the gut bacteria. This can also show up outside the gut in a variety of ways, for me it was through several things but the biggest, craziest one was eczema.
Eczema is definitely annoying, but this was so bad I couldn’t open my hands because of all the little cuts at each wrinkle of my hand. I had to wear Michael Jackson style white gloves to protect the cuts while putting on a mix of Shea butter and essential oils to get it to calm down.
The thing is, it’s wasn’t coming from the outside, so while those things helped, it was my leaky gut that was causing this. So knowing what causes leaky gut I had to make some changes.
Because the fact of the matter is, even if you change what you’re eating there is more to it than that. And leaky gut is known by some as a gateway into other autoimmune conditions.
I have some great resources around the gut, that can be helpful if you're unsure what to do!