Sleep Tips for Moms: How Essential Oils Can Help You Rest
Sleep can feel like a distant memory once you become a mom, right? Between night feedings, bedtime routines, and the mental load of juggling everything, getting a good night’s sleep is easier said than done. It’s like you’re always “on,” even when the rest of the house is quiet. The challenge is real!

But here’s the thing—sleep is everything when it comes to surviving and thriving through motherhood. It’s key to your patience, your energy, and your overall well-being. Without it, the days can feel longer, the tantrums harder, and the mental load heavier. I totally get it.

Using essential oils has been a gentle, natural way to bring more calm and relaxation into my life, especially when sleep feels out of reach. Here are a few of my go-to oils that have helped me (and countless other moms) unwind and get a better night's rest:

🌸 Lavender

It’s the classic, go-to oil for sleep and relaxation and for good reason! The scent of lavender can help soothe your mind and body after a hectic day of mom life. You can diffuse it, add a few drops to your bath, or even mix it with water to create a calming pillow spray. Lavender is all about creating a peaceful vibe that helps you drift off.

🌱 Frankincense

Frankincense might sound fancy, but it’s a real powerhouse when it comes to grounding your mind and body. This oil has calming properties that are perfect for winding down at the end of the day. I love mixing it with a carrier oil (like coconut or jojoba) and applying it to my wrists or temples before bed. It feels like a little moment of self-care that helps me release the tension from the day.

⭐️ Believe Oil

Believe oil is one of my personal favorites, especially when it comes to mental health. Motherhood can be so rewarding, but let’s be real; it’s also tough. There’s a lot more open conversation around postpartum mental health now than there used to be, which is amazing. I apply Believe oil when I need a boost, and it always brings me a sense of joy and calm, like I’m tapping into the best version of myself.

If you’re looking for the ultimate sleep blend, try combining lavender and frankincense in your diffuser before bed. The two scents together create the perfect balance of relaxation and grounding energy.

Motherhood is busy, and sleep can feel elusive, but prioritizing rest is so important. You deserve it, and trust me, getting good sleep will make all the difference in how you show up for yourself and your family.


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