The Quest for Balanced Hormones
I talk a lot about hormones. Like a lot. They are the base of so much of what goes on in our bodies and many people don't entirely realize that. Before I got pregnant (think 2020, what a year that was), I knew I had to get a handle on my health. I was going from junk food vegan to incorporating specific foods with specific nutrients around specific points in my cycle. This was a huge change and one that I was excited to embark on! 

To be honest growing up we didn't get much information (or at least that I remember) on the different parts of our monthly cycle - it was basically our bleed and maybe a tidbit about ovulation. So when I started to dive in and learn about 'the other two' I was floored! I could talk for many hours around the different hormone supporting foods and how that impacts so many parts of your life as women but let's first chat about caffeine! When I was a youngin' working in a high stress office in NYC coffee was MY BEST FRIEND, but not such a nice friend overall lol. 

Caffeine has a powerful impact on hormones and stress, both positive and negative. On the upside, caffeine stimulates the release of adrenaline, giving you a quick energy boost and heightened alertness by activating your "fight or flight" response. However, this same adrenaline surge can elevate cortisol levels—the body’s primary stress hormone—which can lead to increased stress and anxiety when consumed in excess. Studies show that long-term high caffeine intake may disrupt the delicate balance of hormones like estrogen and cortisol, potentially exacerbating stress-related symptoms and even interfering with sleep. The key? Moderation. Enjoy caffeine’s energy-boosting benefits, but be mindful of how it might be amping up your stress behind the scenes!

So I've gone through different parts of my life where I had cut coffee out entirely (for years and year) and then other parts in my life where it was something I couldn't do without. When I started my hormone balancing journey I knew that I had to begin watching my caffeine again but wasn't quite ready to go full on no caffeine so I turned to Zyng!! Zyng is a refreshing, lightly carbonated drink that combines Ningxia wolfberry, pear and blackberry juices, and essential oils with naturally occurring caffeine (from white tea extract) for a natural boost of energy. This little can contains vitamins A, B3, B5, B6,and E as well as lime and black pepper essential oils (sounds odd but it's so good and I don't even like pepper very much!) 

As a mom, I currently reach for this drink when I'm dragging a bit in the afternoon because we didn't sleep so well or it's just been a meeting heavy day and I need that little pick me up!


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