Navigating Your First Postpartum Period
The postpartum experience is a wild ride, and there's one aspect that often gets overlooked: that first bleed after having a baby. It’s tricky.
For me, I was blessed with my cycle returning after about eight months and staying very regular ever since. But I know that’s not everyone’s story. There are so many factors that influence when your period will return postpartum!

Let’s break it down:

  1. Hormones and Breastfeeding: Your period might not come back right away, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Lactation suppresses the hormones that trigger ovulation, which can delay the return of your menstrual cycle.
  2. Changes in Your Cycle: When your period does return, it might be different than it was before. Heavier, lighter, longer, shorter—your body is readjusting. The changes are typically temporary, but it’s a good idea to keep an eye on them.
  3. Track Your Cycle: Keeping track of your cycle is crucial. Not only does it help you understand what’s happening with your body, but it also allows you to discuss any concerns with your doctor effectively.
Let’s be real—there are a lot of emotions around this. Depending on when your cycle returns, you might have been without a bleed for almost two years! That’s a long time, and getting back into the monthly flow (pun intended) with a little one attached to you can look very different.

Before my baby, I was in tune with my cycle. I knew exactly what phase I was in and supported my body with the right foods, essential oils, specific movements, and more. Now? Without my app to help me track, I’d be lost.

So, here’s what I’m focusing on to get back on track:

  • Using a Cycle Tracking App: This is a lifesaver. It helps me keep tabs on where I am in my cycle and what my body needs at each phase.
  • Supporting My Body: I’m getting back into the rhythm of eating foods that support my cycle, using essential oils, and engaging in the right kind of movement for each phase.
  • Self-Care and Awareness: Understanding these aspects of my cycle helps me navigate postpartum recovery with more confidence and clarity.
Remember, everyone’s journey is unique, and it’s okay if yours doesn’t look like anyone else’s. The important thing is to listen to your body and give yourself grace as you navigate this new chapter.


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