What Does Fall Mean to You?

What Does Fall Mean to You?
Way back when we spent a lot more time 'on the land' or integrated with the Earth we knew the cycle of the days, whether that was related to how we were planting our food or when we might start a migration pattern. These days we're often a lot less aware of the cycles, other than - it's fall time, what cute sweaters and boots can I wear?! (to be fair, I miss the Fall season living in Florida and absolutely still lean into and enjoy wearing cute fall outfits when I go North 😄) but there's also a deeper layer to it.

The Fall equinox can mean different things to different people, it's generally looked at as when the days become shorter than the nights and on the equinox (literally meaning equal night in latin) the day and the night are roughly the same.

It's also a season when many people begin to take time for self-reflection, as it's the season of harvest we can look around at what we might have gained over the last months and what we might be shedding, as we also see the trees shed their leaves (well in the North, not so much in Florida 😜).

This time of year is also the Jewish New Year, which is a time for closing out the year and rebirthing into the next.

To me each day is a way to shed a layer surrounding yourself and what it means to be a mother vs a maiden. Watching my baby grow (literally each day he looks a little different!), hearing his new sounds, watching him try new things, makes me pause and relish in the moments, the same way sitting among the trees and watching their leaves fall once did.

What does fall mean to you?🍂

Combatting Stress as a Busy Mom

Combatting Stress as a Busy Mom
Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain. Stress is your body's response to anything that requires attention or action.

When you're a mother, stress can show up in many different ways, and sometimes not always in the negative, however, it can cause your body to react in some not so favorable ways.

Many women experience the hormonal ups and downs after birth which can be compounded by stress and even cause an autoimmune to flare up or show up.

It's okay to admit that you get stressed sometimes! It's normal and you're not alone. I am a work from home mom with two jobs (my 9-5 and my own business!) with a baby; I totally get it. Being that I have an autoimmune as well, I've had to learn how to manage my stress level because it can really impact my body.

I have to be super mindful of daily stressors because it can trigger a negative response in my body. With that being said, whether or not you have an autoimmune preventing stress on the body is definitely favorable!

So here are a few tips that help me!

✨Laugh and Have Fun: The easiest way to do this, is to laugh with your baby! or I've definetly put on a comedian in the background while working- like Ali Woong who has two Netflix specials - a lot of which talk about motherhood! Sometimes you just need a good low-key laugh sesh to lighten your mood.

✨Stay Connected: Having friends with babies or children has been the absolute best helper for me and being able to chat with others who just 'get it' is so huge!

Stress is a part of life and it’s going to happen, but it’s important to not live in a constant state of stress and find ways that you can cope and overcome on the hard days!

Toxins in Baby Products

Toxins in Baby Products
Before we found out we were expecting, I knew there were certain products I didn't want to use because I had learned so much about them and what was in them. Being someone who has an autoimmune, it's so important to me to put good products in my body and I wanted the same for my baby!

I choose to use Young Living products for our family because I've done a lot research and I trust this company and what they create (I have even been to a few of their farms). Their products are free of fragrances and other harmful chemicals that can cause more irritation and issues with baby.

Here are a just a few products I don’t use and why! 

✨Water Wipes

You’d think they'd just have water in them right, nope they have several ingredients including, FRAGRANCE! We avoid "fragrance" because it's how companies can put harmful ingredients in their product and not have to disclose what it actually is.


This is definitely something we didn't know wasn't so hot to use when we were growing up, but in fact, it's not really the best at all! It has petrolatum (petroleum, which studies suggest that exposure to PAHs are associated with cancer), dimethicone (dries out skin and it's the main ingredient in the endocrine disruptor known as siloxane, a synthetic silicone-oxygen hybrid), and PEG-30 dipolyhydroxystearate (its starting materials are highly toxic to humans and are known to have carcinogenic properties). So no thanks.

✨Johnson and Johnson Baby Shampoo

The amount of things I could say about J&Js 'baby' products and just how toxic they are, without even going into the cancer lawsuits they have going for their baby powder, but I won't or we'd be here all day. Just know that it's full of harmful ingredients and we refuse to use all of the products created by them.

The #1 recommendation I can make is to just be mindful of what's in the products you use! The #1 thing I look at is the ingredients list and if I see the word fragrance, it’s a no.

What Self Care Looks Like as a Mom

What Self Care Looks Like as a Mom
Being a mama brings a whole new perspective on self care. I’ve learned very quickly how important it is to take care of yourself after having a baby. After birthing my little one I still do agree that taking care of yourself is important, but I have an entirely new appreciation for even just the mindset around it! The only thing I really care about is making sure my baby is doing awesome, how can I care about myself? But then I take a moment and think, wait if I don't care for myself, I literally cannot care for him either! 

It definitely looks different after having baby, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. As a mom who's breastfeeding, it's so important that I take care of myself so I'm able to care for him. The #1 thing about self care after having a baby is recognizing that it looks different and isn’t as involved, but it’s even more important.

The days are busy and it can be overwhelming, but I want to share some easy ways to take care of you throughout the day! Honestly, one of the easiest ways is to drink your water to stay hydrated. This does wonders for your health and your breastfeeding journey. Buy a big tumbler and keep it with you all day!

When it comes to working out, we love going for walks and getting in the sunshine. If I have the time, I’ll get in an arm workout, but I’m focusing on doing things that serve my body in this phase and help me feel good. Do whatever makes you happy and doesn’t overwhelm you or stress you out. We aren’t here to “bounce back;” we’re here to be healthy for our babies.

The last thing I love to focus on is gratitude. Every morning or night before bed, write 10 things you’re grateful for! Even if you aren’t postpartum, these are great practices to do daily!

Gut Health for Baby & Mom

Gut Health for Baby & Mom
A baby's microbiome starts to form even before birth. The term "baby microbiome" refers to the collection of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes, that reside in and on an infant's body. While in utero, a baby's gut begins to be colonized by microbes from the mother.

These microbes play a crucial role in early development and are essential for the development of a baby's immune system, digestion, and overall health.
Starting the way a baby is born, they’re affected by different microbes in the environment. A vaginal birth transfers the microbes from mom to baby and a cesarean birth exposes the baby to microbes from the surrounding environment, such as the skin and hospital environment.

In the first few years of life, the baby's microbiome continues to change and is influenced by factors such as breastfeeding (breast milk contains various beneficial microbes and compounds that support the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut), diet, environment, and contact with family members and pets.

Being introduced to different settings is essential for a baby’s body to develop and establish a healthy microbiome. The early establishment of a healthy microbiome may reduce the risk of various health conditions, including allergies, asthma, obesity, and autoimmune diseases.

As caregivers, it's our job to create a good environment for our baby to develop a healthy microbiome! Finding ways to introduce them to different surroundings and allowing their body to develop and grow in a healthy way.

As always, it's best to consult with pediatricians and healthcare professionals for personalized advice on promoting a healthy baby microbiome.

Interested in learning more? Click here to grab my guide that is packed full of information and tips for breastfeeding moms!

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