The holidays are naturally a busy time filled with family get together, exchanging gifts and yummy treats. If you are pregnant during the holidays you may feel an added layer of stress.
Last year at this time I was pregnant with our little man and I was seriously feeling all the feels. It was the holiday season and I was constantly working on the different things I should eat. And boy is there a lot of info out there! I knew there wouldn't be a lot of my usual items that I consumed on the menu (think wine, extra cookies and other less than stellar choices).
Even with my masters in clinical nutrition, there was A LOT of info out there, much of it is of course conflicting. So down the research hole I went.
Sometimes Google can be a great resource and sometimes it can be a little overwhelming, which is why I decided to simplify and create a guide for pregnant mamas!
Packed with tips, recipes and ways to still enjoy things, even if it looks a little different for you this year!
This guide will put your mind at ease and make navigating all of your holiday get togethers less stressful, giving you more time to sit back and enjoy the season.
Click here to join the waitlist to get access to the guide for pregnant mamas when it officially launches!