A beautiful state. Today I was blessed with a beautiful Tony Robbins training. I was very grateful I had gotten this invite but I was also thinking, 'oh it's a Monday that's going to be difficult, but okay fine, it's Tony, I'll do it.'
And boy am I glad I did.
Beautiful state. I didn't quite understand what this was, but it's living in a beautiful state of being, no matter what is going on. Tony brought in many people who had had immeasurable pain, from the oldest holocaust survivor who experiences joy everyday and did throughout her time in a concentration camp, to a 17 year old who had a disease that was supposed to kill him at 12, but didn't and the doctors' only explanation was his mindset. Suffering is a choice. Not necessarily what happens to you, as we can't always control that, but suffering through it, is our choice. Pain and suffering are two different things, pain could be something you're going through and suffering is if you stay in those negative emotions. When you start to feel an emotion, feel that emotion, and if it's a negative one or a worry or deep sadness, it's not that you don't feel it, but re-direct don't sit in it, find a positive emotion.
Has there been a time you've re-directed your thoughts to bring yourself out of suffering?