Why I Ditched Splenda for Good
I used to consume BUCKETS—yes, BUCKETS—of Splenda. 🪣

Just thinking about it now makes me shudder. I suspect my body is still detoxing from the sheer amount of Splenda (aka sucralose) I used to pile into my coffee, diet sodas, and just about anything else I could. I was so hooked that I’d even steal packets from restaurants and always had a stash in my purse—just in case of a "sweet emergency." But let’s be real, the only "emergency" was how badly I was screwing up my gut. 

Sucralose, in case you didn’t know, is a calorie-free artificial sweetener that's about 600 times sweeter than table sugar. Yes, you read that right—600 times sweeter. But here’s the kicker: while it may seem like a guilt-free way to satisfy your sweet tooth, it can have some seriously detrimental effects on your health, especially your gut.

Let’s talk about why.

Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria—some good, some not so good—that play a huge role in your overall health. From digestion to immunity to even your mood, your gut is pretty much the unsung hero of your body. But when you introduce something like sucralose into the mix, things can go haywire. Studies have shown that sucralose can negatively impact gut bacteria, reducing the number of beneficial microbes and throwing your entire system out of balance. And a disrupted gut can lead to all sorts of issues, from digestive problems to weakened immunity and even mental health challenges.

When I finally realized what I was doing to my body, I knew I had to make a change. So, I ditched the Splenda and started paying attention to what I was putting into my body. It wasn’t easy, and it took time to wean myself off of that ultra-sweet crutch, but the difference I felt in my health was more than worth it.

I’m sharing this because I know I’m not the only one who’s been down the artificial sweetener rabbit hole. Things like diet sodas, sugar-free gum, candies, desserts, protein shakes, and meal replacements all often contain these sneaky little health saboteurs.

If you’re nodding along and realizing you might be in the same boat I was, don’t worry—you’re not alone. And you don’t have to figure this out by yourself. I created a community specifically for women who want to learn more about caring for their bodies, starting with gut health. This is a space where we can share our experiences, support each other, and learn how to nourish our bodies in the best possible way.


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