Postpartum Healing: Why It’s Okay to Take Your Time
As much as we wish we could snap back to feeling 100% overnight, the truth is, your body just went through a lot and recovery takes time. From hormones balancing out to your body adjusting physically, postpartum healing is a journey. It’s not something we can (or should!) rush through.

I get it.... you’re probably feeling the pressure to “bounce back” and get back to your pre-baby self. Whether it’s your energy, your body, or even your mindset, there’s this invisible (and sometimes very visible) expectation to hurry up and recover. 

But let’s stop and think about what your body has just accomplished. You’ve just grown and brought life into the world. That’s no small feat, and it’s going to take some time for your body to adjust to this new chapter.

The Hormonal Rollercoaster

If you’re feeling all over the place emotionally, you’re not alone. After giving birth, your hormones are trying to recalibrate. This hormonal shift can bring on a whirlwind of emotions—from happy to tears to overwhelm—all within the span of an hour. Be kind to yourself through this transition. It’s totally normal to feel this way, and the last thing you need is to feel guilty about it.

Physical Recovery

Beyond the emotional rollercoaster, your body is healing physically. Whether you had a vaginal delivery or a c-section, your body is working hard to repair itself. From healing tissues to regaining strength, this doesn’t happen overnight. Give yourself permission to rest, listen to your body, and not feel like you need to be doing all the things just yet.

Give Yourself Grace

The most important thing you can do during this time is to give yourself grace. Healing is not linear, and it looks different for everyone. Some days you might feel like you’re on top of the world, and other days, even brushing your teeth feels like a win. And that’s okay. Take it one day at a time, and remind yourself that you’re doing amazing.

Your body is incredible for what it’s just done, and it deserves all the love and patience in the world. Recovery is not a race, and there’s no gold medal for who heals the fastest. What’s most important is taking care of yourself so you can be the best version of you—for both yourself and your new little one.

Take your time, mama. You’ve got this. 


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