Importance of Vitamin B12 During Pregnancy

Importance of Vitamin B12 During Pregnancy
B vitamins are an important part of pregnancy because B12 specifically is required for a process called methylation, which is involved in gene expression, cell differentiation, and organ formation. You’ve likely heard of these in different ways, depending upon what you’re dealing with. Each one does a lot of different things and are important for our body systems to operate in homeostasis (think balance).
Without enough B12, the risk of miscarriage, neural tube defects and preterm delivery go up.

Depending upon what you eat there’s nothing to worry about, but if you’re diet leaves something to be desired you can definitely clean it up and get that B12 you need!

Vitamin B12 is primarily found in animal-based foods, such as meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs. Pregnant women who follow vegetarian or vegan diets may be at risk of B12 deficiency and should consult with a healthcare provider about appropriate supplementation or dietary strategies to ensure they meet their B12 needs.

During pregnancy, it is generally recommended that women consume an adequate amount of vitamin B12 through their diet or supplements as prescribed by a healthcare provider to support the health and development of both the mother and the baby (always consult with your care team first!).

Here are some of the key functions of vitamin B12 during pregnancy:

  1. Red Blood Cell Formation: B12 helps prevent anemia by ensuring an adequate supply of healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body.
  2. Neurological Development: important for the proper development of the baby's nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord.
  3. DNA Synthesis: essential for the rapid growth and development of the fetus.
  4. Energy Metabolism: helps convert food into energy, which is especially important during pregnancy when the body's energy needs increase.
  5. Folate Metabolism: adequate B12 levels are necessary to support the function of folate in reducing pregnancy related risks.
  6. Immune System Support: helps maintain a healthy immune system, which is important for both the mother and the developing fetus.
I'm in the process of creating a guide all around nutrition and support for pregnant women to help you during your journey! Join the waitlist here and be the first to know when it launches!

Importance of B Vitamins During Pregnancy

Importance of B Vitamins During Pregnancy
Nutrition is such a hot topic when you are expecting, there is so much information out there about vitamin needs during pregnancy that it can be overwhelming! 

Let’s break down some of the vitamins that are important for pregnant mamas.

One of the B vitamins that is really important for pregnancy (and let's be real a ton of other ones do too) is Folate or Vitamin B9.

This vitamin helps prevent birth defects and healthy cell division.

HOWEVER.... do not confuse this with folic acid, the synthetic form of folate that is present in many prenatal vitamins.

Many people have what’s known as the MTHFR gene variation (that we talked about earlier this month) which means that up to 60% of the population is unable to use the synthetic form of folate. 

During pregnancy, it is generally recommended that women consume an adequate amount of Folate through their diet or supplements to support the health and development of both the mother and baby. Folate needs can vary among individuals, so it's important for pregnant women to discuss their specific dietary and nutritional requirements with their healthcare team to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

It's worth noting that folate is primarily found in foods, such as beef liver, lentils, asparagus, eggs, and raw spinach.

I'm in the process of creating a guide all around nutrition and support for pregnant women to help you during your journey so comment below if you want to be added to the list! 🫶

Unconventional Products That Were so Helpful as a New Mom

Unconventional Products That Were so Helpful as a New Mom
There are so many things I thought I'd need for after birth that really ended up not mattering very much at all, and then there have been some things that have been absolute game changers. 

I could go on and on about this but thought I’d share just a few that I have found so helpful! 

First of all, get yourself a good set of hair clips, and thank me later. Yup, that’s a thing, and it's pretty critical believe it or not. When it comes to bed-sharing or a handsy infant, having something to hold your hair up (without the constant slipping down and the need to redo)  is really important!

I have A LOT of hair and I have continually struggled to find clips that hold it up well, but not anymore! These ones from @mykitsch are amazing and hold alllllll my hair. 

Second is this sweatshirt My friend @katieospina shared in her Instagram stories. I knew right away I had to have it! With the AC on, I am someone who always needs to be covered with long sleeves to keep warm, especially at night.

I thought throughout my breastfeeding journey I was going to be confined to sweatshirts with an open chest and then I’d be freezing, but nope! This sweatshirt came to my rescue! 

I’m not saying it’s the best, most perfectly organic material, but I needed it and have been so thankful for this soft, warm top making it so convenient to feed my little munchkin.

 While creating my registry I had every plan to not put my munchkin in a lot of confined baby chairs or bouncy things etc. but I thought I’d get at least one in case we needed it from time to time. On someone else’s registry, I found this one and decided to put it on my registry as well.

 I am so so so beyond glad I did because the times I can count where has come in handy, wow!!!!  I mostly wear my baby, but while I’m cooking or sometimes while we’re out to eat this little chair has been an absolute game-changer!

I created a guide for Breastfeeding moms to support you along your journey to educate you and remove the overwhelm and the 2AM google search! It's packed with recipes, links to my favorite products (like these) and more to encourage and support you. Grab it here

What Does Fall Mean to You?

What Does Fall Mean to You?
Way back when we spent a lot more time 'on the land' or integrated with the Earth we knew the cycle of the days, whether that was related to how we were planting our food or when we might start a migration pattern. These days we're often a lot less aware of the cycles, other than - it's fall time, what cute sweaters and boots can I wear?! (to be fair, I miss the Fall season living in Florida and absolutely still lean into and enjoy wearing cute fall outfits when I go North 😄) but there's also a deeper layer to it.

The Fall equinox can mean different things to different people, it's generally looked at as when the days become shorter than the nights and on the equinox (literally meaning equal night in latin) the day and the night are roughly the same.

It's also a season when many people begin to take time for self-reflection, as it's the season of harvest we can look around at what we might have gained over the last months and what we might be shedding, as we also see the trees shed their leaves (well in the North, not so much in Florida 😜).

This time of year is also the Jewish New Year, which is a time for closing out the year and rebirthing into the next.

To me each day is a way to shed a layer surrounding yourself and what it means to be a mother vs a maiden. Watching my baby grow (literally each day he looks a little different!), hearing his new sounds, watching him try new things, makes me pause and relish in the moments, the same way sitting among the trees and watching their leaves fall once did.

What does fall mean to you?🍂

Combatting Stress as a Busy Mom

Combatting Stress as a Busy Mom
Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain. Stress is your body's response to anything that requires attention or action.

When you're a mother, stress can show up in many different ways, and sometimes not always in the negative, however, it can cause your body to react in some not so favorable ways.

Many women experience the hormonal ups and downs after birth which can be compounded by stress and even cause an autoimmune to flare up or show up.

It's okay to admit that you get stressed sometimes! It's normal and you're not alone. I am a work from home mom with two jobs (my 9-5 and my own business!) with a baby; I totally get it. Being that I have an autoimmune as well, I've had to learn how to manage my stress level because it can really impact my body.

I have to be super mindful of daily stressors because it can trigger a negative response in my body. With that being said, whether or not you have an autoimmune preventing stress on the body is definitely favorable!

So here are a few tips that help me!

✨Laugh and Have Fun: The easiest way to do this, is to laugh with your baby! or I've definetly put on a comedian in the background while working- like Ali Woong who has two Netflix specials - a lot of which talk about motherhood! Sometimes you just need a good low-key laugh sesh to lighten your mood.

✨Stay Connected: Having friends with babies or children has been the absolute best helper for me and being able to chat with others who just 'get it' is so huge!

Stress is a part of life and it’s going to happen, but it’s important to not live in a constant state of stress and find ways that you can cope and overcome on the hard days!

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