The Mom Guilt is REAL

The Mom Guilt is REAL
My mom said where there’s guilt you’ll find it when it comes to being in the depths of motherhood 🥺

I was asking her about the emotions that can come along when you're trying to get things done yet want to spend time with your little one. It’s hard to work (even on something you love), or go do alllll that self-care I share so much about.

Frankly, I just like to do most things with my munchkin, at least at the moment. He’s portable and we get to spend time together while I get that walk in or go to the ocean. Obviously not everything can be done with him in tow so if I’m out doing something that he can’t come along to, like a massage, acupuncture or my trips to the infrared, I focus on remembering how important it is to care for myself so I can care for him! 🫶

I remind myself too that it’s so important for my husband to have alone time with our son to be able to bond and connect with him. At the end of the day, it’s truly serving all of us. I get to fill my cup and they get quality time together. The same goes for family and friends! They love nothing more than to get to spend time with our little one!

I feel the struggle with work too; working from home and running my own business. When I’m able to get certain things done, they help me not only feel accomplished, but can earn money to help care for our little one. I also remind myself often that I’m giving him an example of what it’s like to work hard to serve others and make the world a better place

If you’re worried about being a good mom, remember you are a good mom! It’s normal to get caught in the mom guilt sometimes, just keep those reminders close to your heart when it happens to bring you back and remind you that you’re doing an amazing job. 

Infrared Sauna Benefits for Busy Moms

Infrared Sauna Benefits for Busy Moms
Infrared saunas can provide so many benefits for our health and wellbeing. Using an infrared sauna can help boost your heart health and even reduce blood pressure. Researchers have compared the physical response in your body to walking at a moderate pace. This means it can help improve blood circulation too and support muscle recovery after a workout.

This is something I recently started implementing into my routine again because when I was sick a few weeks ago (besides some awesome homeopathic remedies) - the infrared sauna was so key in helping me recover! Being a mother means I'm on duty all the time, so I don't have time to be sick (plus being sick just isn't fun either).

Even when you’re healthy, this is a great self care practice that you can add to your routine. The infrared sauna helps reduce oxidative stress on your body which is associated with many different types of diseases and even the common cold!

As a mother, this is one way I've found to take some time for myself. In the infrared I'm able to close my eyes, breathe and actually meditate - which when you have an infant isn't always easy to do!

Being that I have an autoimmune, I know the importance of making sure that my body (and yours!) is healed enough before using an infrared sauna. If not, your body may not be able to handle the effects of the sauna. As always, introduce slowly and see how your body responds to the experience.

I love finding simple ways that I can serve my body as a whole like this. Not only is it beneficial to my health, but my mind too! There’s something about sitting under the warmth that just relaxes my mind and allows me to just be still and quiet for a moment. If you haven’t tried it yet, you have to and then let me know what you think!

Reframing Your Mindset on the Hard Days

Reframing Your Mindset on the Hard Days
Pregnancy and postpartum can take its toll on your body and your overall health. It’s so important for your recovery to be doing things to serve and love on your body. It is easy to get sucked into the cycle of overwhelm - you are caring for a new baby, navigating breastfeeding, creating a new schedule, redefining your identity...the list goes on and on! 

Here are some ways to reframe your mindset during those challenging times of overwhelm:

🧘‍♀️Breathe and close your eyes

Taking just a few moments to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths can be mood changing! When I do this I engage my pelvic floor muscles and remember what it's like to feel that calmness, to sometimes be in a tranquil pool of blue/green water and to hear the sound of waves. It truly helps me relax, ground and come back to what a blessed existence I have. 

🕺 Move/Shake

Moving your body is key for so many reasons. A way of movement that I’ve been focusing on (along with my usual) is somatic movement. One way to describe this is movement in which you focus on the internal experience and feeling of the movement instead of what it looks like from the outside.

🍪 Choose a healthy feel good snack or stuff your face🤣

Just kidding, don’t just stuff your face. Emotional eating can be very common for many reasons, but regardless it is not the best coping mechanism! 

Slowing down, even if it is just for a minute or two can be the difference needed to reset, regulate your mood and get your day back on track. 

What do you do when you’re having one of those days? 

Advice for Pregnant Mamas During the Holidays

Advice for Pregnant Mamas During the Holidays
The holidays are naturally a busy time filled with family get together, exchanging gifts and yummy treats. If you are pregnant during the holidays you may feel an added layer of stress. 

Last year at this time I was pregnant with our little man and I was seriously feeling all the feels. It was the holiday season and I was constantly working on the different things I should eat. And boy is there a lot of info out there! I knew there wouldn't be a lot of my usual items that I consumed on the menu (think wine, extra cookies and other less than stellar choices). 

Even with my masters in clinical nutrition, there was  A LOT of info out there, much of it is of course conflicting. So down the research hole I went. 

Sometimes Google can be a great resource and sometimes it can be a little overwhelming, which is why I decided to simplify and create a guide for pregnant mamas!

Packed with tips, recipes and ways to still enjoy things, even if it looks a little different for you this year!

This guide will put your mind at ease and make navigating all of your holiday get togethers less stressful, giving you more time to sit back and enjoy the season. 

Click here to join the waitlist to get access to the guide for pregnant mamas when it officially launches!

The Benefits of Deep Breathing

The Benefits of Deep Breathing
Stress has become such a commonplace part of our every day lives. So many things running through our mental checklists at all times, "Did I remember to get something out for dinner? Why didn't my baby sleep well last night? Did I take my supplements this morning?"

I wanted to share an intentional way for you to focus on relaxing your mind throughout the course of your day. This easy-to-implement habit will help to mitigate stress and improve your overall well-being. 

Breathing! - we do it everyday, but can we do it better?

There are so many benefits and even different ways to be intentional with it. 

Like yes we breathe everyday at every moment but when you take time to do that slow, deep and intentional breathing it’s an amazing impact on your mind and body ❤️

Deep breathing is the act of slowing down your breath and relaxing your mind.

How can deep breathing help me?

What comes to mind when you think of deep breathing? Things like meditations and yoga?

Did you know it’s actually beneficial for everyone and can be done in any setting?

Taking a moment everyday to do a simple guided breathing technique can have huge positive effects on your body and overall health!

The more oxygen in your blood, the more energy you’ll have; I know we could all use that! 

When the afternoon slump hits, take a minute to take a few deep breaths 💕 you’ll be amazed at the feeling. 

Do you take time for deep breathing?
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